Monday, 30 January 2017

MEST4 Preliminary exercise: evaluation

1) Why did you choose this particular recreation and how does it link to your main production?
I chose this particular recreation as it links to mine, Alayna's and Sharife's critical investigation topics. The music video, shows the representation of, youth, women and the representation of black people.

2) What difficulties did you face in producing this recreation?
One difficulty we faced whilst producing the recreation, was trying to find a balcony that extended to the left hand-side as well as the right. Another difficulty we faces was not trying to get people into the shot as we were filming on an estate. 

3) What are the strengths of the production?
Some strengths of the production were getting everything quite similar to the actual music video, in terms of props etc. Furthermore, the camerawork was also almost similar to the music video alongside the timing. 

4) What aspects would you look to improve?
Some aspects I would look to improve is the camera work, when using it by hand to make it less shaky, but still enough to show the audience that it is actually hand held. 

5) What lessons will you take from this process that will help you with your main production?
From this process I have learnt is to be a bit more organised and put more time into researching. 

6) Now that you are ready to start your actual linked production, explain clearly what you will be creating and how confident you are in delivering this.
For my linked production I will be working alongside Alayna and Sharife and we will be creating a music video, in which I am very confident in doing. 

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