Monday, 2 January 2017

Critical Investigation - Task 6

Web Research:

Negative stereotypes 'hurting teenage job prospects':

  • - "About 80% of teenagers questioned also believed they were more engaged with social issues than their predecessors."
  • "Demos said false stereotyping of young people in the media and wider society was having a negative effect on both their self-esteem and employment opportunities."
  • "It said four in five teens felt they were unfairly represented in the media and, of these a vast majority - 85% - said this was affecting their chances of getting a job. #
  • "It said it had also analysed six UK newspapers over the past 10 years and found that the words most commonly associated with "teenagers", "youth" and "young people" were "binge-drinking", "yobs" and "crime". "

'Hoodies, louts, scum': how media demonises teenagers:

  • - "Other terms often used included "hoodie", "louts", "heartless", "evil" "frightening", "scum", "monsters", "inhuman" and "threatening".
  • - "The research – commissioned by Women in Journalism – showed the best chance a teenager had of receiving sympathetic coverage was if they died."


  •  "The traditional stereotype of the teenage boy was one of the rebel, the teenage thug and gangster which as highlighted in the film Cosh boy in 1953."  
  • "Traditional  teenage gender roles are become more blurred as society changes and Ideology moves on."
  •  "These representations are different the stereotype stays the same, there fore going against Tessa Perkins theory of stereotypes change as audiences become bored and ideology changes."
  • "If the institution want the audience to take a preferred meaning from the text, they will be bias in there representation and therefore their mediation will be set up through selection, organising and focusing so they try to get there dominant meaning across."
 The Guardian - From hoodies to goodies: today's teenagers have the makings of model citizens.

  • Far from being antisocial hoody-clad riot-mongers, are actually highly concerned with social issues, keen to volunteer, and take fewer drugs and drink less alcohol than previous generations."

Behind the stereotypes: The shocking truth about teenagers
  • "My generation never gets a positive thing said about them"
  • "Since 1999, 2,000 Asbos have been issued against young people while new policies, many championed by Labour-friendly think tanks, are aimed at making it easier to prosecute children."
  • "Sam, another young person upset by the report, told the BBC yesterday: "Respect seems to be demanded here, why should we as a youth just give respect, it should be earned." 
  • "Bad behaviour by adults is almost celebrated in today's society but when youngsters misbehave people say they do not have any respect."
  • "I've got friends who do charity work so it's not all about us drinking, and drugs and partying. I am busy every night except one with yoga, choir and piano and I've just taken a course to qualify as a swim instructor"

Movie Teens: How Accurately Are They Portrayed? By Nicki Burnier
  • "For generations, screenwriters and producers have attempted to capture the reality of teenage life. In pursuit of a profit, films are often twisted to please viewers."
  •  "It can be very hard to distinguish which movies tell the truth about the formative years and which do not."
  • "most movies center around two things: sex and partying While there are teenagers who do participate in these two activities, there are many who do not."
  • "Most teen movies promote sex as though unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases don’t exist, while underage drinking and talking back to your authorities is funny and acceptable. Hardly ever do
  • they show the consequences of AIDS and genital herpes. Nor do they show how illegal use of alcohol and drugs can destroy a family."

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